Cast and Flameworked Glass, Colored Ink.
Various sizes, avg. 5in x 6in x 7in
Various sizes, avg. 5in x 6in x 7in
Woofle are friendly ground dwelling creatures from Plant Zort. They are inspired by alien creatures in "Ed Emberley's Big Green Drawing Book." These figures are an homage to Ed Emerley, as without his drawing books I am not sure I would have been so inspired when I was younger to be an artist. His books not only taught me how to draw, but his simple step by step method of small simple steps to create something spectacular out of just a few shapes and lines also taught me how to build. Each Woofle is constructed of solid glass, each have the same body and parts, but simple variations give each their own personality. After years of being domesticated and trained in captivity the little of Woofle pictured on this page are ready to be given away to a loving home.